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3 FAQs About Supporting an Addict in Recovery, Answered

Supporting an addict in recovery.

When you’re supporting an addict in recovery, it’s hard to know exactly what to do and what not to do. Most people have questions about how to handle the situation to best support their loved ones.

That’s why we’ve compiled the answers to these 3 FAQs about supporting an addict in recovery.

1. How Should I Talk to Them About It?

The easiest way to answer this question is with love and compassion. Addicts are filled with enough shame and self-blame to last a lifetime, so don’t judge them.

Instead, approach the topic with a genuine desire to know what you can do to help them. Let them know that you love them and that you’re on their side.

Beyond that, be open and honest with them about both your concern for them and what you can do to help. Most addicts would much rather talk about their problem openly as opposed to tiptoeing around it.

In the end, it’s better to get things out in the open. Tell your loved one that they can always talk to you and that you’re on their side.

2. What are the Indications They are Relapsing?

Most loved ones of an addict didn’t see the problem developing until it was too late, so they naturally have concerns about what kinds of behavior might indicate a recovering addict might be relapsing.

Most of the time, the best indications an addict might be relapsing include noticing that they are falling back into negative patterns of thinking and behaving. You might, for example, notice they are hanging out with some of their old friends who got them involved in using in the first place.

A more subtle clue would be that they are expressing negative thoughts about their life or their ability to stay sober. If you notice anything like that, it’s a good idea to encourage them to reach out to an accountability partner or a therapist.

3. How Can I Make Their Recovery Easier?

Loved ones of an addict usually want to help them with their recovery, but they often don’t know exactly what they should do. There are a number of ways you can support them. Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Host sober activities. These could be things like a day of hiking or a painting class. Sober activities give addicts a way to socialize in a setting where they won’t feel tempted to relapse.

  • Always include alcohol-free options at gatherings. Of course, you don’t have to stop drinking just because you have a loved one who is an alcoholic, but if you’re the host of a gathering, always be sure there are plenty of alcohol-free drinks available for your addicted loved one.

  • Stay sober when it’s just the two of you. While you don’t have to stop your use if you don’t have a problem, when it’s just the two of you, it’s a good idea to remain sober. That way, they have someone they know they can get together with and not feel tempted to use.

Suggest Sober Sidekick When Supporting an Addict in Recovery

A big part of supporting an addict in recovery is making sure they never feel isolated. Isolation is a huge contributor to addiction and relapse. Sober Sidekick is a social media platform that includes more than 175,000 recovering addicts. Your loved one will know they aren’t alone on a platform like that.

What’s more, they can reach out and talk to people who understand exactly what they’re going through anytime, day or night. That’s precisely what they need to prevent a relapse. Tell your loved one to give it a try today.

Image: Freepik

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